Sami activities – summer

The Sami are one of the world’s indigenous peoples and have lived in Sápmi since time immemorial, a region that today stretches from the Kola Peninsula in Russia, over the northern regions from Finland to Norway, and in Sweden from Treriksröset (Three-Country Cairn) to the north, down to Idre to the south. Kiruna is a part of Sápmi and has been home for many generations of Sami. Here there is a genuine living Sami culture, which we look forward to showing you as our guest by offering a variety of different Sami activities. Experience daily Sami life, learn about their customs and traditions, admire the breathtaking Sami handicrafts called ”Sámi doudji” and perhaps experience your first meeting with reindeer. A special experience is settling down to hear stories about Sami life in the past, present and visions for the future. Welcome to Kiruna, a part of Sápmi.

Lunch tour to Nikkaluokta

Follow us to Nikkaluokta, a small Sami village in the beautiful high mountain area, close to Kebnekaise, the highest mountain in Sweden. Hike in the mountain area and learn more about Sami people and the Arctic nature while enjoying the beautiful landscape. Our local Sami guide picks you up at your hotel and, by minibus …

Sami wellness day tour

Another start of your day. Open your eyes and explore the nature,  listen to the heart of the arctic. In a peaceful surrounding we learn more about Sami traditional thinking while we ourselves take part and experience the landscape. Nature wellness in a Sami way.  Sami people are a lot in the nature, mindfullness is …

Mountain hike in Abisko

Join us on a hike in the mountains near Abisko National Park, learning about nature in the area. After a 1,5 hour drive by car, we enter Abisko national park, where we begin our hike. If the chair lift is open, we go up to Mount Nuolja and Aurora sky station to start our hike …

Traditional Sápmi cooking

Welcome to a journey in the world of the senses of the Sami cuisine where you can cook and eat a meal with traditional food from Sápmi…