ICEHOTEL in Jukkasjärvi – summer

Visit the Icehotel in Jukkasjärvi during the summer. Icehotel 365, the year-round ice experience, the preserved winter world, makes for an intriguing contrast between seasons in the height of summer. Step inside the world of winter in Icehotel 365, and behold the crystal clear ice, a piece of the river frozen in time, illuminated by the golden rays from the midnight sun that shines through the cathedral-like tinted window. The Arctic summer is a must to experience.


Tour to Icehotel & Jukkasjärvi

Follow us visiting Icehotel and the village Jukkasjärvi. See the oldest church in northernmost Sweden and meet the reindeers at Nutti Sami Siida. Our local guide pick you up and drive you by minibus to Jukkasjärvi. At Icehotel you will have time, on your own, to discover the Icehotel with the famous ice art exhibition. …